On this site I whole-heartedly recommend various books and materials for becoming a better ukulele player.
Some links are affiliate links and help support my efforts in the form of a few pennies here and there.
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Earn your Treble Clef patch by visiting http://www.musictheory.net/lessons and complete the following lessons to understand the basics of notation you’ll need to read music for the ukulele (use arrow keys to navigate the lessons):
- The Staff
- Note Duration
- Measures and Time Signatures
- Rest Duration
- Dots and Ties
- Steps and Accidentals
- The Major Scale
- Key Signatures
- Generic Intervals
- Introduction to Chords
The Extra Mile
Feel free to go on to complete further lessons on http://www.musictheory.net/lessons and use the exercises on http://www.musictheory.net/exercises to sharpen your knowledge.